Saturday, August 20, 2011

Random Thoughts From A Random Mind.

It's hot and you wanna stay inside, which means you have plenty of time be think and these are the things i think about:


Steroids. Yes still thinking about that one, and wondering why all these athletes think that taking these is a good idea? Don't they know that if they get caught no one will ever look at them the same, no one will ever trust them, and everything they have accomplished will never count? So c'mon let's stop with the steroids, PED's, and all things to enhance, and play the game because yeah it's even if you get paid millions a GAME.

Cheating or accepting money or gifts for ANYTHING in collage sports.                                                                                                    
O.k. this one should be a no brainer. Recently we've heard about collage players accepting money or gifts and this MUST come to a stop! Some of the most prestigious awards have been yanked away from players for doing this. One of the most celebrated programs in the country has lost players, a coach, and their entire season over allegations of players trading stuff for TATTOOS! Why is all of this happening? Maybe because these players are making money r some deep discounts on their education, and they must pass or they get nothing. If these players get that for their play, we might stop this epidemic in our collage sports.


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